Monday, 2 December 2013

Deck the Halls with TpT - A Cyber Monday Sale Linky

It's almost that time of year again, yup.... Christmas! I know, you're probably telling me to shush but you have to face up to it, it's only three weeks away... yikes, I haven't even started my Christmas shopping yet! Any-who, did you know that there is a huge Teachers Pay Teachers (TpT) Cyber Sale on Monday and a Tuesday? Yup.... my wishlist is full and I am ready to deck the halls!

I am linking up with my blogging friend, Christina from Bainbridge Class Blog to celebrate with a 'holiday hits' theme. A load of other bloggy friends are joining in too and we are showing off our Christmas resources!

It's the end of the year and my blogging friends and I have gone a bit ga-ga for Christmas carols but decided to put a teaching resources spin on it!

See, I told you we went a bit ga-ga! So let me play some songs for you, with a twist!

Well, guess what? It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Reading here at Clever Classroom!
It's beginning to look a lot like Reading
Vocabulary resources in my store
But the prettiest sight to see
Is the cute vocabulary
On your Christmas word wall near your door! 
(Sorry, that is so corny!)

Well let me tell you, it's easy to get all those Christmas books organized with these book bin labels and visual list over 540 Christmas books... Oh Management, Oh Management, thy books are so organized!

1 comment:

  1. So NOT corny..I could hear the song! Looks great, Emma!


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