Wednesday, 28 January 2015

100th Day of School Paper Bag Challenge FREEBIE and Printables

Celebrating the 100th day of school is so much fun.

To make it even more fun, I wanted to make some ready to go printables that focused on collections.

100th Day of School Printables, centers and a free file

Collecting items is a fun, hands-on way to involve students in 100th day celebrations.

In this file, there are collection mats, collection mats with write and wipe, printables to do after center work, a challenge, 100 chart tasks and a huge book list too!

I made printables to go with the centers too.  

100th Day of School collection mats for first and second grade and a free file

100th day printables and a freebie

100th day of school centers for 1st and 2nd grade in February

February centers with 100th day printables

So many printables for the 100th day od school

Printables for 100th day of school plus a free download

Print and go for 100th day of school

100th day printables and a free file

Print for February centers

So many printables for 100 charts and more.....

100 chart tasks for 100th day

Printables for 100th day and a freebie from Clever Classroom

100th day printables ready to go

February printables 1st and 2nd grade

100th day of school centers

One hundredth day ideas and a freebie

Plus I threw in a whole bunch of other helpful printables.

100 Chart and more 100th day worksheets and centers

100th day ideas

100th day for first grade and a freebie

Ten frames for the 100th day of school

100th Day of school book list and a freebie

Oh and don't forget to try this hands-on center activity, should your students decide to accept the challenge!  It's listed for free in my Teachers Pay Teachers store. 

100th day of school idea freebie

100th day of school center challenge for 1st and 2nd

Free 100th day of school printable

Free challenge for the 100th day of school

Click here to download your freebie from my TpT store!

You might also like our:

February printables: 100th day and Valentines Day

Have fun and happy 100th day!

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