Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Do you Instagram? Instagram for Teachers

Instagram for teachers

Are you on Instagram?  Do you share your educational journey and a bit of personal stuff too? 
If you're not already on Instagram, what are you waiting for? 

If you're on Instagram (IG) and you're like me, then you probably like checking in with Instagram to see what's going on in the world of education. You can find me @cleverclassroom

I mainly use IG as an educational tool to get new ideas and find resources.  Lots of Instagramers feature their classrooms in action, good ideas, resources and a bit of personal stuff too. 

Instagram for teachers

Instagram has become an exciting source for teachers to find new ideas. We all like new ideas, right? 

You can even find your fave educational bloggers and see what they're up to.  

Many bloggers hold giveways and post IG hops too. 

Teachers to follow on Instagram

You can find me @cleverclassroom

Here's a list of educational bloggers that I love to follow.  

I will update this list over the coming months. 

Instagram hashtags for teachers

I LOVE to search hashtags (#) to see what's new, it's very exciting, don't you know! 

Here are a few general educational hashtags you can search for. 


Update:  Even more hashtags to use and search for on IG.


I will update this list when needed.  If you know of any hashtags that I haven't listed, please comment below. 

Here are some other tags you could search for if you're looking for specific ideas.  Heck, you could search any hashtag that applies to your classroom, I'm sure something will come up!




Instagram hashtags for giveaways

Don't forget to search for giveaways too. 


See you over on Instagram! 

Clever Classroom


  1. Thanks for the hashtag and blogger lists. I'm new to Instagram and enjoying exploring. Your info here is helpful! I'm already following you :)

  2. Thanks so much Emma, I love following you too!

  3. Great lists! Thanks! You have officially been pinned! :) @elementarymatters

    Sally from Elementary Matters

  4. I love this post! Thanks! Come follow me @literacyandlaughter Amy

  5. Yeah! I loved your list and am fairly new to IG. I'm going to follow you and if you would like to check out my adventures....please stop by! taryns_unique_learning

  6. LOVE the hashtag list! Thanks for sharing, Emma!

  7. That hashtag list...awesome! :)

  8. Great list! I tend to only use a couple hashtags I can remember, so this is a nice list to keep in mind! Thanks for sharing :)

  9. Wow Emma! This is great! Thanks for the shoutout :)

  10. This is a great post. I use many of those hashtags, but learned a few new ones thank you. I also follow many of those same bloggers. I follow you on FB, but am now on my way to follow you on IG as well. I just started IG about 7 weeks ago and must say, I LOVE IT! I love all the visuals and ease of using hashtags to find what you are looking for. Thanks for this post.


    1. I am so glad that I was able to help Cristy.


  11. What a great list of hash tags! I just joined IG this year and absolutely love it!

  12. Great post Emma! Instagram is definitely my favorite social media platform! I wrote down a few hashtags that I never knew about! Thanks for the tips! I just pinned this post too!
    Lucky Little Learners

    1. Hey Angie, I am so glad that I could help. I love IG too, there are so many great ideas for educators. I hope the hashtags help you find them! Thanks for the repin too!



Thank you for taking the time to comment on this blog post, it is very much appreciated. Be sure to follow us, to keep up to date with our new and exciting posts. Regards, Emma Farrell - Clever Classroom :)